Monday, June 25, 2018

Adopting an Olive Tree: Libellula Adopt

Libellula, also known as a dragonfly, is a small flying insect with iridescent wings one only sees in abundance when a land is managed free of pesticides and other chemicals.  A new mail order business, Libellula Adopt,  makes it possible for individuals in the US to "adopt" a tree from the Italian region of Sabina and receive oil in return. The owners write, "The idea to adopt an olive tree arose as we strolled around the olive groves surrounded by frolicking dragonflies. Due to their delicate nature, dragonflies only exist where the air is pure and where the land is free of pesticides. Therefore, Libellula is a symbol for purity and prosperity."  Those who "adopt" a tree receive much more than their extra virgin organic olive oil (4 x 0.5 l). Like participating in a CSA, they receive newsletters, invitations to visit, and participate.   This is much more than just a retail agreement - it is a way to help support a community that struggles to hold onto its cultural identity as small farmers whose lands have been in the families for hundreds of years.  

One of the founding members of this business is Julia Franchi Scarselli, and I had the pleasure of meeting up with her one day in early May.  Julia, a double major in Environmental Science & Policy and Architecture from nearby Smith College, was finishing up her senior year and getting ready to start out on a road trip to introduce consumers around the US to the olive oil produced in her home town in Italy.  Having grown up in two cultures - Milan, Italy and Virginia, USA, she is well equipped to help manage the online mail order business her family set up to market the olive oil produced the Italian village of Montelibretti, in Sabinia, where her father now lives. 

The oil is pressed from Leccino olives, known for their fruity green flavors. I had the good fortune to sample some of the oil and particularly enjoyed its grassy pungent flavor.  Julia invited me to come visit her village during harvest and find out more about the collaborative that has been set up with the village farmers to insure the high quality organic extra virgin olive oil.  Check out the website and you too might be entranced and wish to support this worthwhile endeavor and maybe even visit this magical region of Italy.
Montelibretti, Italy

Thursday, June 21, 2018

# ForAmherst - Pat O'Hara, Chemist and Olive Oil Guru

When Amherst College launched its new campaign on campus, it had a "For Amherst" day and a few faculty and staff were asked to do 10 second takes that went live and were meant to encourage donors to give $$ to the College.

Here was my 10 seconds of fame.... Pat O'Hara for Amherst (and Olive Oil)
If you are sharp eyed, you might realize my right arm is in a cast, legacy of an icy winter in New England.