One of the founding members of this business is Julia Franchi Scarselli, and I had the pleasure of meeting up with her one day in early May. Julia, a double major in Environmental Science & Policy and Architecture from nearby Smith College, was finishing up her senior year and getting ready to start out on a road trip to introduce consumers around the US to the olive oil produced in her home town in Italy. Having grown up in two cultures - Milan, Italy and Virginia, USA, she is well equipped to help manage the online mail order business her family set up to market the olive oil produced the Italian village of Montelibretti, in Sabinia, where her father now lives.
The oil is pressed from Leccino olives, known for their fruity green flavors. I had the good fortune to sample some of the oil and particularly enjoyed its grassy pungent flavor. Julia invited me to come visit her village during harvest and find out more about the collaborative that has been set up with the village farmers to insure the high quality organic extra virgin olive oil. Check out the website and you too might be entranced and wish to support this worthwhile endeavor and maybe even visit this magical region of Italy.
Montelibretti, Italy |